

........What struck me immediately was her exquisite and brilliant portrayal of hands, their predominance in her pieces and their beautifully carved fingers. This was particularly appropriate because of Georgie’s hands and long white fingers…………I‘m really pleased it was Dawn- we asked to create the sculpture as it’s exactly what we envisaged and wanted…… (Express 'Woman' Nicola Horlick talking to Fay Wertheimer about the sculpture she commissioned in memory of her daughter Georgie who died of leukaemia aged 12)

........Impossible to ignore the works of Dawn Rowland
(The Sunday Times on Chelsea Harbour exhibition)

…….for Dawn is one of our top sculptors and she specialises in weighty works which can be measured by the tonne. Jeffrey Archer took a full day to haul one purchase up to his London penthouse…. …,.
(Extra – The Express)

……..a very accomplished stone carving by Dawn Rowland called “The Warrior Dreams”.
(The Times review of Royal Academy Summer Exhibition)

…… Dawn’s hands, a ‘heart of stone’ is no longer an insult. She’s cast all her emotions into the medium, if not of stonem is one of deep warmth……. If you don’t have the urge to touch her work, Dawn feels she’s failed. …
(Manchester Evening News)

……..The figures of head, face and hands were engraved in the marble. While it seems that she is inspired by the sculpture culture in Africa, the charming point of her sculpture is the powerful expression of the poetical sentiment which should be considered as the root of existence of human being. The affection between parents and child, the horrors of war, love and sadness could be felt as dream and poetry hiding behind these works…
(Kyoto Sinbun Newspaper of Kyoto - translation from the Japanese article)

…….the small alabaster works “Mother and Child” are exceptional in more senses than one. And the “Adam and Eves” are angular in contrast to the smooth, beautifully rounded majority of Dawn Rowland’s meticulously polished works...has a vivid imagination and like the excellent artist she is, she leaves us to use ours
(The Manchester Evening News)

Dawn Rowland…my favourite sculptor, needed four men and a fork-lift truck to get one of her submission to the Royal Academy……I hope that within the next weeks we will all have the pleasure of seeing her sculpture

…….to the polished gems of Dawn Rowland, one of the North-West’s finest and most imaginative sculptors
(The Manchester Evening News)

…….Her images, carved with strength, rhythm and harmony, have a kind of grandeur, focusing on themes such as love, togetherness and birth. Highly charged with emotion, they reflect her profound response to the human condition.
(The Jewish Chronicle)

…….has so brilliantly combined artistic imagination with consummate craftsmanship qualities also evident in the three carvings (alabaster, soapstone and ancaster stone) by the Bramhall artist Dawn Rowland, one of the north-west leading sculptors
(The Manchester Evening News)

…..Country Life recommends art exhibitions to see this week ……’Sculpture by Dawn Rowland FRBS in the foyer of Bruntwood's newest building in Manchester city centre
(Country Life Magazine)


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